
“Great oaks from little acorns grow.”
14th century proverb


How do British boarding school communities work?

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The private school system can come under fire for being too elitist or for sheltering its students from the real world outside. In fact, in many ways, British boarding school communities reflect our global community more accurately than state schools can, having a spread of…

When should you apply to British boarding schools?

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This is a good question I am often asked, and to which there is no one answer! The fact is that we can help you find the right educational setting for your child no matter when you get in touch.  British boarding schools with the highest demand Naturally, there are some for…

What makes each British Boarding School unique? (1)

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In the first of an occasional series asking what makes each British boarding school unique, we hear from Alastair Tighe, the headmaster of Wells Cathedral School, explain how his British boarding school is unique, amongst other things, for being one of just four specialist music…

What’s new at Scarborough College?

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I recently took a short trip to the popular seaside town of Scarborough in North Yorkshire to catch up with all the latest developments at Scarborough College. Enjoying a stunning location overlooking the sea, just a short walk from the beach at South Bay and the town centre,…

What about British Boarding Prep Schools?

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While we don’t receive quite so many enquiries about British Prep Schools, it is important to keep my British boarding school consulting knowledge up to date across the whole range, so it was great to welcome Debbie from Aysgarth Prep School to HQ for a catch-up.  As background…

How does Gina keep her British boarding school knowledge fresh?

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One of the best ways to stay updated on everything our British boarding schools have to offer is to go and visit, and recently I have been out and about doing just that, starting with Westonbirt. Set in glorious grounds near Tetbury in the Cotswolds, the stunning main building…

What is the cost of British boarding school?

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The financial aspect of sending a child to boarding school in England, Scotland or Wales is a key consideration, and something families often ask Gina about. In this blog we offer some guidance on the range of costs, including the extras to take into consideration. Boarding…

What are our top 5 British boarding schools for riding?

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What are our top 5 British boarding schools for riding? To reassure the young equestrian who might worry about missing their riding if they were to go to a British boarding school, we are pleased to confirm it is an option at many of the schools we recommend. So many, in fact,…

Why choose a girls’ British boarding school?

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Something Gina often finds herself discussing with families who have girls looking for a British boarding school is why to select one that is just for girls. While single sex education isn’t the preserve of boarding schools in England, Scotland and Wales, it is arguably rarer…

British boarding schools’ question time (3)

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Continuing this little series, the next question is, “What makes resilience so important today and how can boarding help to build it?” First to answer this one is Richard Hannigan, Director of Wellbeing at Uppingham, a full boarding school in England. He writes: “For a young…