
“Great oaks from little acorns grow.”
14th century proverb


BSA Covid-Safe Charter

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Towards the end of May, the Boarding Schools’ Association (BSA) launched its Covid-Safe Charter. This is a voluntary code, aiming to give confidence to everyone that the school is following all appropriate measures to ensure that boarding is a safe environment for pupils.Member…

Online learning resumes at our British boarding schools

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While some UK schools reopened to limited numbers of pupils on Monday 1st June, for most the new term sees them resuming their home-based online learning. This is being delivered in a number of ways over a variety of digital platforms, so we thought we’d feature a few examples.…

British schools’ support for frontline workers

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Our brilliant British boarding schools may be closed to the vast majority of their students but, behind closed doors and/or from the safety of their homes, some of their staff are working hard to help bolster supplies of essential personal protective equipment (PPE) for key…

British boarding schools’ virtual open days

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While it is impossible to visit our wonderful British boarding schools in person at the moment, most have virtual or video tours available on their websites, and many are innovating to offer virtual open days.Already there have been online open days at Warminster School,…

A conversation with Finn

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We are consistently impressed by the children who have the courage to leave their own country, family, school and friends to attend one of the UK boarding schools we have recommended, and we love to celebrate all their achievements. Finn is perhaps one of our greatest successes…

Coronavirus update

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Once again, we hope you are keeping well, staying safe and staying at home.During these strange and unsettling times, with the situation ever changing, it can be hard to strike the right balance between taking each day as it comes and looking ahead to when the storm has passed.…

Covid-19 – British boarding schools’ response

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All of us here at Dickinson School Consulting hope that you and yours are staying well at this difficult time.The coronavirus, and trying to avoid it, is affecting life everywhere in a wide variety of ways and we wanted to provide a brief update as to how the British boarding…

Winning ways for Aldenham School’s hockey teams

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Hockey is the main sport during this spring term at many British boarding schools, with high levels of competition across the age ranges and in all parts of the country.For example, Aldenham School has recently been celebrating the success of its girls’ hockey teams at U14 and…

Fyling Hall’s Sixth Form

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The Sixth Form is the pinnacle of any school. Bridging that gap between childhood and adulthood, preparing the young people in their care for arguably some of the toughest exams of their lives and for life beyond school, all the British boarding schools we work with challenge…

Gordonstoun’s view of mobile phone usage

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The Principal of Gordonstoun, Lisa Kerr, made headlines recently for speaking out about the Scottish boarding school’s decision to ban mobile phones. Here she shares with us her thinking behind the move.“Our 200 acres of beautiful woodland, classrooms, playing fields and…